L E G A M E T E A M 

| we introduce ourselves |

Bianca is a young artits and musician from Austria. In her childhood Bianca already showed her creativity with making music and painting. This talent was given to her by her mother, who herself loved to paint. Unfortunately she was hit by a stroke. Now she is blind and can't go on painting. All those pictures, some of them finished, some of them not, were standing around in her mother's flat, what a loss. So Bianca had the idea to finish the paintings. That was the moment when LEGAME was born

"Art is a journey of a free soul. You can feel the energy that goes through your body. There is freedom and love. Pablo Picasso has already said that 'Everything you can Imagine is real." (Bianca) 

Thomas is a young musician from South Tirol (Italy) and is actually studying sociology in Austria. He is the voice, the founder and the rhythm guitarist of the psychedelic Reggae Band "The Koalas". Furthermore Thomas plays also the main guitar in the rock 'n' roll Coverband "Blue Folks" and in the authentic tribute band "REDOORS". With this new project he wants to enhance his creativity as a musician, but first of all it is the charitable cause, who seems very important to him.

"There exists no division between music and art. When your making it, it's always like being on a trip, or in another world full of emotion and colors." (Thomas) 

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